Project: Rock Paper Scissors


Let's put your Java knowledge to use! You're going to be creating a basic version of Rock Paper Scissors that you play against the computer in the console. The game consists of two main features:

  • Play Rock Paper Scissors against a computer player
  • View previous game history

Hint: Use a random number generator to pick the computer's choice.


Your work must:

  • Have a main menu with options to enter "play" or "history":
    • If the user enters "play", they should be able to play Rock Paper Scissors against the computer
    • If the user enters "history", the program should display previous game history
  • Handle invalid user input
  • Use Arrays or ArrayLists to store game history


  • Handle incorrect capitalization of otherwise valid user input (rock, Rock, RoCk, ROCK, etc.)
  • Store game history across sessions

Code of Conduct

As always, your app must adhere to General Assembly's student code of conduct guidelines.

If you have questions about whether or not your work adheres to these guidelines, please speak with a member of your instructional team.

Necessary Deliverables

Submit a pull request with a Java program that meets the above requirements.

Below, you can see sample output:

Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!

1. Type 'play' to play
2. Type 'history' to view your game history
Type 'quit' to stop playing


Type in 'rock' 'paper' or 'scissors' to play.
 Type 'quit' to go back to the Main Menu

Computer picks: scissors
User picks: rock
You win!

Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!

1. Type 'play' to play
2. Type 'history' to view your game history
Type 'quit' to stop playing


Type in 'rock' 'paper' or 'scissors' to play.
 Type 'quit' to go back to the Main Menu

Computer picks: scissors
User picks: paper
You lose!

Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!

1. Type 'play' to play
2. Type 'history' to view your game history
Type 'quit' to stop playing

WIN: Player-rock computer-scissors
LOSS: Player-paper computer-scissors

Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!

1. Type 'play' to play
2. Type 'history' to view your game history
Type 'quit' to stop playing


Suggested Ways to Get Started

  • Don’t hesitate to write throwaway code to solve short term problems
  • Read the docs for whatever technologies you use.** Most of the time, there is a tutorial that you can follow, but not always, and learning to read documentation is crucial to your success as a developer
  • Write pseudocode before you write actual code.** Thinking through the logic of something helps.

Useful Resources

Project Feedback + Evaluation

Based on the requirements you can earn a maximum of 8 points on this project. Your instructors will score each of your technical requirements using the scale below:

Score | Expectations
----- | ------------
**0** | _Incomplete._
**1** | _Does not meet expectations._
**2** | _Meets expectations, good job!_
**3** | _Exceeds expectations, you wonderful creature, you!_

This will serve as a helpful overall gauge of whether you met the project goals, but the more important scores are the individual ones above, which can help you identify where to focus your efforts for the next project!

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