UI Testing with Espresso


After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Describe the use cases for UI testing
  • Create and run UI tests with the Espresso framework


Before this lesson, students should already be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of testing


Before this lesson, instructors will need to:

  • Open Android Studio. Start Genymotion, or have a device open in Vysor

Opening (5 mins)

There are two main types of programmatic testing: Unit testing and User Interface testing. They both test if an app behaves as expected.

Unit testing tests the smallest units of an app, usually classes or their methods. UI testing tests the flow and visuals of an app.

This can be done manually - you look at an app and confirm that your elements are working as expected (e.g., if a clicked button opens a dialog, or if a block of text is visible on the screen).

But that's not very cool. Just like unit tests, you can automate UI testing with Espresso.

Introduction: What is Espresso? (5 mins)

Espresso is a testing framework, created by Google and provided by the Testing Support Library that helps Android engineers develop reliable UI tests.

When using Espresso, Android Studio compiles your code as per usual. However, the difference is that it installs a testing APK onto the device and it automatically starts running the tests when it starts.

Check: Describe the difference between UI and unit testing.

Demo: Setting up Espresso (20 minutes)

Feel free to code along if you'd like!

Include Espresso in your apps

Check: With a partner, take one minute and outline the general steps you would take to enable this testing library. Share out!

To start testing, you have to import the Espresso library into your project.

Open your app/build.gradle file and add the core Espresso library as a dependency.

    dependencies {
        // ... other dependencies ...

        androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.1'

Note: If you get an error like "Conflict with dependency 'com.android.support:support-annotations'. Resolved versions for app (23.2.1) and test app (23.0.1) differ. See http://g.co/androidstudio/app-test-app-conflict for details.", you would have to also add the following line to your gradle dependencies (replacing the number with the version you are missing):

        androidTestCompile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:23.3.0'

Finally, in the same file, add the test runner (which, well, runs the tests) to the default Android config:

    android {
        compileSdkVersion 23
        buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"

        defaultConfig {
            // .. other config options ..

            testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

Another Note: Android Studio may have trouble automatically importing some test methods. If you see an error like cannot resolve method onView you may need to manually import each test method like this:

import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView;
import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click;
import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard;
import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.typeText;
import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches;
import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId;
import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText;

Adding a test

Adding a test in Android Studio is as easy as adding a class (since all tests are classes with methods being run).

Remember, for Espresso, always add your UI tests to the androidTest folder. Unit tests go in the regular test folder.

Right click the application's package folder in the src/androidTest/java folder, and click on New > Java Class and name it whatever you'd like. It should probably be named after the Activity you are testing (i.e., if you are testing the SettingsActivity, it is suggested to call it SettingsActivityTest).

For Espresso to run the test, you have to annotate the class:

    public class LoginScreenTest {
        // ...

Next, you have to add a test rule member variable, which defines which Activity we'll be testing. It is of type ActivityTestRule, and should be annotated with @Rule:

    public class LoginScreenTest {

        public ActivityTestRule<LoginActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<LoginActivity>(LoginActivity.class);

    // ...


Your class is setup for testing. Now, you have to add tests for everything you're testing in the activity. Every test is a method, annotated with @Test, where it's name is prefixed with the word test (i.e. testIfOnline, testThatAppLaunches, etc).

For simplicity, you can also right click the class, click Generate..., and then click Test Method.

    public class LoginScreenTest {

        public ActivityTestRule<LoginActivity> mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<LoginActivity>(LoginActivity.class);

        public void testSomething() throws Exception {
            // test code...

Check: There are two other important annotations: @Before and @After. What do you think they do?

The @Before and @After annotations denote methods that should be run before and after each test method, respectively.

For instance, if you had both types of methods in your class, it would call the Before methods, then run a test, then the After methods. Then it calls the Before method, then the next test, and so on.

You use these methods to setup and tear down the states of the tests, ensuring that you have control over how they run. In a teardown, for instance, you probably want to sign out of the app so future tests that login don't fail.

To add these methods easily, you can right click the class, click Generate..., and then click SetUp Method or TearDown Method.

    public void setUp() throws Exception {


    public void tearDown() throws Exception {


Guided Practice: Making Tests do "Stuff" (20 mins)

Running tests

To run a test, all you have to do it right click the class and click "Run 'Test'". When you do it, not much will happen since the tests are empty. Let's change that.

The Goal

Check: Talk with the person next to you about the primary difference between UI tests and unit tests.

The goal of a UI test is to ensure that the app works as expected, visually. Unlike unit tests, you should only care about what's on screen.

These automated tests emulate the user. If a user is testing your app, they don't care how the classes work, but only if the app visually represent what they expect.

The language of Espresso

Espresso was developed to make testing easier. Every line of code that tests a UI feature can be read in plain English. It's not perfect, but it's fairly easy to understand what's going on.

The structure of a UI test is as follows:

  • On a view that matches some condition, perform an action on it and/or check if it matches some visual condition.

Check: Take 10 seconds, and talk with the person next to you and try to figure out what this test is doing. Be ready to share.


"On a view with the id "R.id.sign_in_button", click it, and then check if it's visible."

On view, with...

OnView is much like findViewbyId, in which they both reference a view on the screen. However, onView does not return a view; it returns a ViewInteraction. ViewInteractions allow Espresso to perform actions on a view, or to assert that it meets expectations.

The method takes one parameter; a Matcher. This tells the class what you want to interact with in the view hierarchy. Usually, withId() is the easiest way of going about this. However, if you are trying to access a view without an ID, you'll have to find other ways to match it.

Check: How else do you think you could select an Activity? Don't worry about syntax, but what attributes of each Activity could you select for?

  • withId()
  • withText()
  • withHint()
  • withContentDescription()

Perform an action

Once you have a ViewInteraction, assuming that it didn't fail, you can perform an action on it.

Note: Some actions cannot be done on certain views (i.e., you can't type text into an ImageView).

To perform an action, you have to call ViewInteraction's perform:

        .perform( /* some action */ );

The perform method takes in an array (comma-separated varargs) of ViewActions. These are actions that will be done to the matched view, sequentially.

Check: Take a minute and come up with a list of ViewActions with your partner. Share out!

Here's a list of commonly-used ViewActions:

  • click()
  • clearText()
  • typeText()
  • closeSoftKeyboard()
  • doubleClick()
  • longClick()
  • pressBack()
  • scrollTo()
  • swipeRight(), swipeLeft(), swipeUp(), swipeDown()

And to make the code above work:


        .perform(clearText(), typeText(), closeKeyboard(), swipeRight());

Assert yourself

The other main thing you can do with a ViewInteraction is to check a given assertion on the view.

The method is check(), and it takes in one ViewAssertion:

        .check( /* some assertion */ );

There are two methods that return ViewAssertions. The first being matches(), which checks if the view matches the given matchers. If it does, nothing happens. If it fails, it throws an AssertionFailedError. If this error is uncaught, it ends the current tests and starts the next one (if any).

Here's how you match if a view is currently displayed:


Check: Individually, take a minute and try to come up with a list of view properties that could be "matched". Share out!

Here's a list of common parameters for matches():

  • isDisplayed()
  • isEnabled()
  • isChecked()
  • hasErrorText()
  • isRoot()
  • isDisplayedAtLeast(int percent)

Note: You can also negate any matchers with the not() method:


The other method that returns a ViewAssertion is doesNotExist(), which asserts that a view is not in the current hierarchy.


Testing Text Content

You can check to see the value of text in your application using the withText() method. Here's an example of code that presses a Like button and supposes the text of another element changes to say "unlike".


Introduction: Note about Collection Views (5 mins)

The process is a bit different for views that use adapters, like ListView. You can't just say onView(withId(R.id.someId)), because the adapter is reusing the same layout, so multiples of that view will probably be on the screen.

The way around this is onData() instead of onView(). onData() looks through the data inside the adapter and grabs a ViewInteraction based on what you find.

Conceptually, this shouldn't be difficult to grasp. However, the execution of it is not very simple. Meaning, it can't fit into this lesson due to the time it takes to implement.

However, An Introduction to Espresso explains the process pretty well, and should be a good starting point.

Guided Practice: Write Some Tests (15 mins)

Alright, let's import the starter-code. In it, we will have two edit texts, one text view, and a button.

This app adds two numbers together.

Let's make a test that ensures the add button works. Walk me through it!

Instructor Note: Be sure to prompt students - make them give you the code to write as you constructor this test.

Independent Practice: Write Some Tests! (15 mins)

With the same starter code, work with the person next to you and write tests to check if the following user stories are met:

  • As a user, I can see the answer text view, two edit texts, and an Add button
  • As a user, I should see an error that says "Missing value!" when a number was not input.
  • As a user, when I add the numbers 123 and 456, then the answer text view should read 789.
    • This test should fail.

Check: Have two student groups share out.

Conclusion (5 mins)

  • Describe the difference between UI and unit testing.
  • Identify the general steps needed to write a UI test for your app.


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