

After this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe what classes and objects are
  • Describe what object properties and methods are
  • Demonstrate and explain instantiation
  • Write getter and setter methods for a given class


Before this lesson, you should already be able to:

  • Recall basic knowledge of TextViews
  • Recall basic knowledge of Java data types

Opening: What are classes? (5 minutes)

Objected-oriented programming is a paradigm used in some programming languages that is based on a concept of classes and objects. We will be discussing what these terms mean and how they are related to each other.

Check: Ask them to recall basic Java data types. Ask them to explain TextViews.

Introduction: What are classes? (25 minutes)

Objects are special pieces of data that have properties and functions contained inside of them. We use these objects to divide our code into separate responsibilities. We can then use these objects from other code to execute their responsibility. How the object accomplishes its responsibility is irrelevant to the calling code. This is known as a black box.

We only have to worry about the input and outputs of the object and let the object itself worry about it self. For example, if we had a Calculator object and it had a function public int findLowestCommonDenominator(int number1, int number2) we don't care how it finds our lowest common denominator, just that it returns an int that is correct.

This has an advantage for whomever is implementing the object as well. They can change the internals, perhaps make it more efficient, without breaking compatibility with any code that uses it already.

These objects are first templated using the concept of classes. A class is a special type that can be user-defined to ensure every object of its type contain all the properties and methods of that class. Unlike data types which have intrinsic value - i.e an int is a number, char are characters - classes have defined values. For example, a Car class could hold the double value of speed and also String value of model.

Check: In your own words, explain what is an object? What is a class?


Creating an object of a class is called instantiation. This means we are creating a new object in memory. This is done by using the new keyword and a special type of method called a constructor. Constructor methods can include some parameters we can pass to our new object. They set up the initial state of the object.

Constructors methods fire when an object is instantiated and their only purpose is to help create an instance of a class. In contrast, the purpose of methods is much more general: execute Java code.

Demo: What are classes? (10 minutes)

Note: Explain the syntax here about how to create new objects and also the syntax of a class file.

The paradigm of OOP allows programmers to compartmentalize specific bits and pieces of code so that we can reuse this code while also hiding parts of it within the each class. In the Car example, we can create new Cars and give them different model names but have an internal concept of speed that only the Car itself is aware.

Variables and objects defined within an object are known as member variables. Java convention dictates that these variables be named in camel case starting with an 'm' denoting that it is a member variable

Functions defined within a class are known as methods. Java convention dictates that methods also be named in camel case.

public class Car {
    double mSpeed = 0.0;
    String mModel;
    public Car(String named) {
        mModel = named;

// creating a new object of type Car
Car mFirstCar = new Car("DeLorean");

Check: What are methods? How should they be defined and written?

Guided Practice: What are classes? (10 minutes)

Ok, time for you to write your own class!

Instructor Note: Use a text editor to do this next part and as you write the class, try to elicit each line of syntax from members of the class.

In your Documents folder, create a new text file with a text editor of your choice.

In this file, create a new class using the syntax your learned above. Your class should be modeling a Person object. Your Person must have a name and age. The Person can also have another Person as its "child". All of these must be set during construction. Don't try to instantiate your Person anywhere.

Note: sample correct code

public class Person {
    int mAge;
    String mName;
    Person mChild;
    public Person(String named, int aged, Person parentOf) {
        mName = named;
        mAge = aged;
        mChild = parentOf;

Save this file as and note that the file must be named the same as the top level class in your file. Save it in your Documents folder.

Now open Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows then use the command cd Documents to get to your Documents folder. Then use javac to compile the file and you should see a Person.class in your Documents folder if your class compiled correctly. If not, then there should be an error in your terminal window, see what its telling you and fix!

Check: Did anyone hit an error?

In basic Java programs, you need a static main() method to be able to run the program, add one to your program with in your Person class like this.

public static void main(String [] args) {

Inside of this method, instantiate a Person object with a child:

    public static void main(String [] args)
        Person person = new Person("Ankur", 27, new Person ("Mint", 2, null));

Instructor Note: Students might have trouble with this because of the null needed. Good to pause, explain the next section and let them try again.

Getters and setters (5 minutes)

In Java, there is a convention used called getters and setters. It is not a good idea to make member variables public and so instead methods are defined to expose access.

By definition, getters "get" or return stored information from an instance of a class; setters assign information / data to an instance of a class.

Demo: Getters and setters (5 minutes)

In our car, we simply want to allow read access to the mSpeed variable and so we would define a method called getSpeed() within our class.

public double getSpeed() {
    return mSpeed;

Java naming convention dictates that getters should start with 'get' and then the name of the variable (minus any leading letters). The only exception is for getters with return type boolean, it is convention to name these as isBoolean() or hasBoolean(). For example our car might have a method: hasLowFuel().

Perhaps we also wanted to add a member variable mOwner and wanted to allow public access to change this variable, we would define a setter. The naming convention here is similar to the getter methods but with starting with 'set'

private String mOwner;
public void setOwner(String name) {
    mOwner = name;

Check: In your own words, describe the difference between getters and setters.

Guided Practice: Getters and Setters (5 minutes)

Take five minutes to finish getting mAge from your object.

Check: Ask students to review their solution with a partner. What issues are people having?


Every object in Java has a method called toString that returns a String representing the state of the object. This method is called when the object is printed.

Point p1 = new Point(3, 0);
Point p2 = new Point(3, 4);


If we don't write our own toString() method then Java uses a default implementation of the method and prints out it's own custom String. Here we see a string that tells us we have a Point object at a certain memory location in the Java virutal machine.


We can overwrite this default behavior to print out much more useful information.

Writing our own toString() method makes the program print out way more helpful information. Here we construct and return our own custom String that includes the point's this.x and this.y values:

public String toString() {
  return "(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ")";

With this new method the program now prints out points as we're used to seeing them.

Point p1 = new Point(3, 0);
Point p2 = new Point(3, 4);



Remember the .equals() method we have to use when comparing Strings? Turns out .equals() is another method all objects have!

Point a1 = new Point(7, 7);
Point a2 = new Point(7, 7);
Point bb = new Point(8, 8);

System.out.println("a1 == a1? " + (a1 == a1)); // true
System.out.println("a1 == a2? " + (a1 == a2)); // false
System.out.println("a1 == bb? " + (a1 == bb)); // false

System.out.println("a1.equals(a1)? " + a1.equals(a1)); // true
System.out.println("a1.equals(a2)? " + a1.equals(a2)); // false
System.out.println("a1.equals(bb)? " + a1.equals(bb)); // false

We must define our .equals() method that manually compares the x and y values of two points to one another. Notice that we accept another Point object as a parameter here.

In addition, Java allows us to compare any object to any other object in the equals method. We must type the parameter always as Object so anything can be compared. Then, we have to check to see if it's null, and we must use the instanceof operator to guarantee the object being passed in is actually the same class that we're in.

Finally, once we've tested against all the edge cases we can assume the other object is of type Point so we can cast it using Point p2 = (Point) other;.

There's a lot of chores involved in creating an equals method testing for all of these edge cases. You should understand why these tests are necessary, but you don't need to try to memorize them all.

Also, IntelliJ has a nice "Generate..." menu option that will help you automatically generate these basic tests. Right click inside the file of a class and choose "Generate > equals and hash code".

public boolean equals(Object other) {
  if (other == null) return false;
  if (other == this) return true;
  if (!(other instanceof Point))return false;

  Point p2 = (Point) other;
  return (this.x == p2.x) && (this.y == p2.y);

Consider the differences in results after adding the new .equals() method. Pay special attention to how a3 refers to a1 by being set equal to it without creating it's own new Point object.

Point a1 = new Point(7, 7);
Point a2 = new Point(7, 7);
Point a3 = a1; // we say a3 "references" the same Point as a1

System.out.println("a1 == a1? " + (a1 == a1)); // true
System.out.println("a1 == a2? " + (a1 == a2)); // false
System.out.println("a1 == a3? " + (a1 == a3)); // true

System.out.println("a1.equals(a1)? " + a1.equals(a1)); // true
System.out.println("a1.equals(a2)? " + a1.equals(a2)); // true
System.out.println("a1.equals(a3)? " + a1.equals(a3)); // true

After adding the new .equals() method notice that the code behaves differently. Our new equals method compares the x and y values of each of these points and reports they are all the same.

The points a1 and a2 are still not "strictly equal" to each other using the == operator, but now our custom .equals() method returns true. Objects will only ever be strictly equal to each other with the == operator if they have a reference to literally the same object.

Notice that a1 is strictly equal to a3 becuase they both refer to the exact same Point object.

Practice Writing Classes (20 mins)

Work by yourself to implement the following classes:

Rectangle Class

Write a Rectangle class with the following methods:

  • a constructor that accepts two integers representing width a length
  • an area method that returns an int
  • a perimeter method that returns an int the total perimeter
  • an equals method that considers rectangles equal if their width and length are the same (or if their width/length and length/width are the same!)
  • a method isSquare that returns true if the width and length are the same.
  • a toString method that prints out an ASCII representation of the rectangle.
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(4, 1);

|    |

Anonymous Classes (5 mins)

Java has a feature that allows interfaces to be implemented "on the fly". This is called anonymous classes.

An example of this in Android is the interface OnClickListener which is used to respond to clicks on views.

OnClickListener only has a single method void OnClick(View v) that needs to be implemented. Instead of creating a new class every time we see to assign an OnClickListener we can create an anonymous class

Check: In your own words, explain the purpose of an anonymous class.

Demo: Anonymous Classes (5 minutes)

button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  public void onClick(View v) {


Notice how we implemented this - it doesn't have a definite class, other then the generic Object. This is why its called an anonymous class. The class has no name to call it by.

Guided Practice: Anonymous Classes (10 minutes)

Your turn: Implement setOnItemClickListener for a ListView that creates a Toast that says the position clicked on the list.

Instructor Note: Provide students with a project that has a ListView added to a layout.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

Throughout much of our work so far in this course, we have seen classes being used, and object being instantiated without understanding the reason behind all of it. Hopefully today's lesson helped clarify the mystery behind the code being automatically generated by Android Studio. In our next lesson, we will be discussing the extends keyword you have seen at the top of every Activity, a concept known as subclassing.


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