Active Calculator!

You are going to create a new Github repositoriy called active_calculator. Clone/sync it down to your computer to /adi/active_calculator/. It will contain 5 activities:

  • A main activity to select an action to perform
  • An activity to perform addition (TextViews, EditText Numbers, and Buttons)
  • An activity to perform subtraction (TextViews, EditText Numbers, and Buttons)
  • An activity to perform multiplication (TextViews, EditText Numbers, and Buttons)
  • An activity to perform division + show the remainder (TextViews, EditText Numbers, and Buttons)

You will use Intents to switch between activities. Optionally, you can have the MainActivity display the most recent result on it. This will require using getIntent(), putExtra(), and getTYPEExtra().

results matching ""

    No results matching ""