Step by Step: Adding a ListView

Ingredients (variables)

These can be member variables or declared at run time inside whatever method you so choose.

  • ArrayList
  • ListView
  • ArrayAdapter
  • OnItemClickListener


  1. Declare our variables. These are defined in the ingredients list above.
  2. Find your ListView using findViewById() and assign it to your ListView
  3. Populate (or add) data to your ArrayList (this may require instantiation).
  4. Add a list_view_row layout. The root element must be a TextView. Feel free to customize this as you want for now.
  5. instantiate our new ArrayAdapter. The first argument is our context (this or MainActivity.this), the second is our list_view_row layout (R.layout.your_row_name); the final argument is our ArrayList (mArrayList). This binds our List of data to our ListView. Super, big, important deal. Thanks, ArrayAdapter - you da real MVP.
  6. instantiate our OnItemClickListener and make sure it is declared as a child of AdapterView or things may not work as intended.
  7. Override the onItemClick method inside of your OnItemClickListener to do things.
  8. Attach our OnItemClickListener to our ListView to bind everything together. This uses the ListView.setAdapter() method with your ArrayAdapter as an argument.
  9. Done. :) Run. yay. party.


  • Follow the above instructions to create a new Android app for your favourite food.
  • Gotta eat 'em all.

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