Data Types and Variables

Mastering Control Flow


After this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Use if/else if/else conditionals to control program flow based on boolean conditions
  • Use switch conditionals to control program flow based on explicit conditions
  • Use comparison operators to evaluate and compare statements
  • Use boolean logic (!, &&, ||) to combine and manipulate conditionals
  • Loop over a code block one or more times


Before this lesson, you should already be able to:

  • Create variables in Java using basic data types
  • Use a text editor


Before this lesson, instructors will need to:

  • Open and run the starter and solution code
  • Modify sections and checks as needed

Opening (5 mins)

From "Control Flow Structures are an important aspect of programming languages that allow your code to take certain actions based on a variety of scenarios. Control Flow is a fundamental concept in programming that allows you to dictate how your code runs under different conditions or until a certain condition is met."

Introduction: Logical operators and control flow (10 mins)

Java supports a compact set of statements, specifically control flow statements, that you can use to incorporate a great deal of interactivity in your application.

Block Statements

Statements meant to be executed after a control flow operation will be grouped into what is called a block statement. These statements are wrapped into a pair of curly braces:


Block scope

We've seen that scope changes depending on whether a variable is defined in the class (we use the mVariableName convention for these), or in a method (these variables have local scope only and are not available outside that method).

In Java, variables defined in block statements modify scope, meaning those variables are not available outside of the block.

Instructor Note: Show the scope error in the IDE, then correct it as shown in the second code block.

For example:

boolean beautiful = true;
if (beautiful)
  String name = "jay";
System.out.println(name); // symbol 'name' cannot be resolved

Variables defined in block statements are not available outside of the curly braces. How might we resolve this issue?

Instructor note: first try to print out name without an else statement, then add the else, when the program still won't compile.

boolean beautiful = true;
String name = "pepe";

if (beautiful)
  name = "robin"; // use the predefined variable
//=> robin

Demo: Conditional statements (10 mins)

Conditional statements are a way of essentially skipping over a block of code if it does not pass a boolean expression. Java supports two conditional statements: if...else and switch.

if...else statement

if(expr) { code }

... means run the code block if expr is true

if (1 > 0) {
//=> hi

When you need to test more than one case, you may use else if:

String name = "kittens";
if (name.equals("puppies")) {
    name += "!!!";
} else if (name.equals("kittens")) {
    name += "!!";
} else {
    name = "!" + name;
//=> "kittens!!"

Ternary Operator

Java has a ternary operator for conditional expressions. You can think about the ternary operator as a concise "if-else in one line":

int age = 12;

String allowed = (age > 18) ? "yes" : "no";

//=> "no"

Truth-y & False-y

It's important to know that all of the following become false when converted to a Boolean:

Instructor Note: This snippet is optional.

  • false
  • 0
  • "" (empty string)
  • NaN
  • null
  • undefined

For example:

Boolean b = new Boolean("");
//=> false

This can be vary helpful when checking if conditions exist, are undefined, or if variables don't hold value.

Guided Practice: Boolean/Logical Operators (15 mins)

Logical operators will always return a boolean value true or false.

There are two "binary" operators that require two values:

  • AND, denoted &&
  • OR, denoted ||

A third "unary" operator requires only one value:

  • NOT, denoted !

&& (AND)

Do these with me!

The && operator requires both values to the left and right of the operator to be true in order to return the entire statement as true:

boolean result = false;

if(true && true) {
  result = true;
//=> true

Any other combination using the && operator is false. What happens if I check true && false?

boolean result = false;

if(true && false) {
  result = true;
//=> false
boolean result = false;

if(false && false) {
  result = true;
//=> false

|| (OR)

The || operator requires just one of the left or right values to be true in order to return true.

So, now, if I do true || false, what will be returned?

if(true || false) {
//=> true

if(false || true) {
//=> true

if(false || false) {
//=> ... silence ...

Check: What is the only combination that will return false?

Only false || false will return false

The ! takes a value and returns the opposite boolean value, i.e.

//=> false

The && and || operators use short-circuit logic, which means whether they will execute their second operand is dependent on the first.

Check: Can you think of a time when this might be useful?

This is useful for checking for null objects before accessing their attributes:

if(instructor != null && instructor.getName().equals("drew")) {

In this case, if the first operand instructor != null is false, then the second operand instructor.getName().equals("drew") will not be evaluated. The expression is basically saying "we already know the whole && expression is false, because instructor != null is false. Why bother dealing with the second operand?"

This is also important because a Null Pointer Exception will be thrown if we try to call a method using "dot notation" on a null Object reference.

Demo: Comparison Operators (10 mins)

Comparisons in Java can be made on primitives using <, >, <=, and >=.

Check: What is a primitive data type?

'A' > 'a'
//=> false

'b' > 'a'
//=> true

12 > 12
//=> false

Note that you cannot do:

12 >= "12"

// or

"Apple" > "Oranges"

Equality Operator ==

Check: Can you remember from the pre-work how to compare variables?

When verifying equality between primitives use double equal ==:

System.out.println(1 == 2);
=> false

But what about with Objects like strings?

A special note on Equality among Strings:

There are actually two ways to compare the equality of strings.

String blue = "blue";
boolean withSign = (blue == "blue");            //=> true
boolean withWords = (blue).equals("blue");      //=> true

Do you know which one of these would be preferred?

Well, lets do another example to show you which and why:

String blue = "blue";
String bl = "bl";
String ue = "ue";
System.out.println(bl+ue);                      //=> blue
boolean withSigns = (bl+ue == blue);            //=> false
boolean withWords = (bl+ue).equals(blue);       //=> true

Why isn't withSigns true? The print out looks the same.

Well, Objects and arrays are complex collections of values, and when we refer to them, we're actually referencing where they live in memory. That's why we say Objects are passed by reference while things like ints and floats are passed by value.

== compares the place where the object was stored on the computer.

What this means is that Java doesn't care if they look similar. It only compares whether or not they are the exact same object in memory. In each of the cases above, when checking for equality, we're actually comparing two objects that are in two different places in memory.

String blue has a reference to where it is stored on the computer, and that is a different place than String bl is stored. They're not exactly "the same" according to ==.

equals(), on the other hand, is a method that can be called on an instance(str1) of a String Object. And this method checks whether the char arrays in each String are the same, not whether the references are the same.

The long and short of it, use equals when comparing strings.

Check: Why can we call methods on a variable with data type string but not on an int?


There is also an != operator, which is the inverse ==.

Introduction: Switch Statement (10 mins)

The switch statement can be used for multiple branches based on a number or string:

  String food = "apple";

  switch(food) {
    case "pear":
      System.out.println("I like pears");
    case "apple":
      System.out.println("I like apples");
      System.out.println("No favourite");
//=> I like apples

In this case, the switch statement compares food to each of the cases (pear and apple) and evaluates the expressions beneath them if there is a match. It uses String.equals method in this case, or == in the case of primitives, to evaluate equality.

The default clause is optional.

Note: Breaks are important! If you don't put a break statement, the expression will continue to be evaluated for each following case. This might cause unintended consequences.

For example if you eliminate the break statements:

  String food = "apple";

  switch(food) {
    case "pear":
      System.out.println("I like pears");
    case "apple":
      System.out.println("I like apples");
      System.out.println("No favourite");

The result would be:

I like apples 
No favourite

If food = "pear" then the output would be:

I like pears  
I like apples 
No favourite

Thi is not exactly what we had intended.

Demo: Loops (15 mins)

Instructor Note: Students should follow along if they feel up to it.

In just about all programming languages, loop-ing exist. A loop is a statement or block of code that will continue to execute while or until a condition exists.

while loops, for example, will run a block of code while a condition is true.

Java has while loops and do-while loops.

The while loop is good for basic looping, but there's a possibility it will never get run.

Check: In what case will the while loop never run?

while (true) {
  // an infinite loop!

Using a do-while loop makes sure that the body of the loop is executed at least once, because while() isn't evaluated until after the block of code runs.

int input = 0;
do {
} while (input < 10);

You can use looping in combination with iteration: a way of incrementally repeating a task.

For example, using a for loop:

int iterations = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {

Notice the placement of the comma and semi-colons, and let's take a look at what each of the parts do:

  1. int i = 0; is the initialization phase.

    • This is executed once, before the loop begins.
    • Note that int i is declared within this phase. This means that the lifespan of i is limited to within the for loop, which is a much cleaner, and leads to less problems down the line.
  2. i < iterations; is the termination phase.

    • Every time the loop evaluates, it checks this statement.
    • If this statement evaluates to false, the loop terminates.
    • This is equivalent to the while section of the do...while loop.
  3. i++ is the increment expression.

    • This happens every time the loop evaluates.
    • This is equivalent to the do section of the do...while loop.
    • In this case, each loop, i is incremented by 1.

In android studio, you can use fori+TAB to automatically create an empty for loop.

Fizz Buzz - Independent Practice (15 minutes)

Fizz buzz is a game about division. Create a program that will iterate through numbers from 1 to 101 and log each number in the console.

  • In the loop every time a number is divisible by 3, instead of logging the number itself, the word "fizz" should appear.
  • If the number is divisible by 5, the word "buzz" should be logged.
  • If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, then the word "fizzbuzz" should be logged.

Hint: Remember the modulus operator?

A typical output would look like this:


for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++) {

  if((i % 3 == 0) && (i % 5 == 0)) {
  } else if(i % 3 == 0) {
  } else if(i % 5 == 0) {
  } else {

Conclusion (5 mins)

These are some of the foundational tools you'll use in many of your applications. You'll probably need to refresh yourself on the exact syntax a few times before you memorize it, but it's important to be able to remember, these core "control flow" concepts, in general, because they'll come up in pretty much every programming language you'll ever encounter.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""